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As a part of the modernization project of the company transport fleet, NIS procured eight new tank trucks for transportation of petroleum products, while the entire project includes procurement of 44 most advanced tank trucks in total by the end of the year. New specialized on-road vehicles– Mercedes Benz articulated trucks with Euro 5 engines, and multichamber aluminum tank trucks Schwarzmueller, of the 35.000 liter capacity, designed according to the highest European Standards, which will enable more efficient and faster transportation of goods. Tank trucks and articulated semitrailers will be used under the new, threecolored brand of NIS Petrol. Since the new trucks are equipped in accordance with European regulations, this procurement at the same time represents a contribution of NIS to the safety of the on-road transportation and to the environment protection. Safety of both vehicles and goods is secured by advanced control systems and navigaion from the control center, by observing legal regulations on transportation of hazardous substances, as well as by European standards related to health, safety and environment protection. Air protection is securd by facilities for bottom filling of tank trucks, as well as by vapour recovery systems. Also, measuring equipment which secures accurate measurements during delivery of goods is installed, and there is a new possibility of transportation, unloading an measurement of two types of goods symultaneously. Each tank truck will travel approximately 120,000 km a year, supplying 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, around 400 petrol stations of NIS Petrol, from Subotica to Bujanovac, as well as numerous consumers all over Serbia. The first 12 tank trucks will be included into the transportation scheme during summer, and after the entire renovationn of the tank truck fleet has been completed, with 44 new tank trucks NIS will be able to transport each month almost the same amount of goods that is currently being transported by two times higher number of tank trucks.