Business News

More than 250,000 users have downloaded "Drive.Go"


Consumers in Serbia have recognized the advantages of using the “Drive.Go” mobile application, and subsequently, since the launch of this innovative service, more than 250,000 consumers have downloaded this application used for paying for their fuel.

“Drive.Go” allows consumers to pay for fuel using mobile phone at the filling point itself, without the need to go to the cash register at the petrol station, thus saving time, and enabling safe and simple purchase and refueling.

Using the “Drive.Go” mobile application is extremely simple and safe for customers, since all that is required is to download the application from “Google Play”, “Apple Store” or “Huawei App Gallery”. During each refilling, it is necessary to activate the application on the mobile device, (before or after refueling), scan the QR code located at the filling point, and after refilling the tank, click on the “pay” option in the mobile application, which completes the purchase and payment process. All payment card data entered during account registration are stored on the bank’s security page, so using a payment card with “Drive.Go” is completely safe.

“As a company that follows modern trends and listens to the needs of its consumers, NIS has intensively worked in the field of digitization in its retail segment, and the development of innovative services will remain the focus of our business in the forthcoming period as well. By investing in the improvement of user experience, we contribute to the successful business operation of the company itself, which would not be possible without our consumers, whose trust and satisfaction remain our ultimate goal and indisputable imperative,” said Marija Halar, director of the Center for Digital Transformation and Improvement of the User Experience at NIS Company.

NIS is the first company on the local market that has introduced the possibility of paying for the fuel immediately at a filling point, without the need to go to the cash register, and NIS has introduced this innovative service on the domestic market in April 2020. In addition to the possibility of paying for fuel without going to the cash register, NIS mobile application is enriched with additional functionalities such as displaying a map with the help of which you can get to the nearest petrol station. In addition, “Drive.Go” gives insight into all additional information about working hours, types of fuel and available services at the desired petrol stations. The fiscal invoice for the purchase arrives at the email address saved in the mobile application, and if an invoice for a company is required, the Tax ID number should be saved in the “My Company” segment. Upon registering an account within “Drive.Go”, the loyalty program card -“On the Road with Us” – is also registered, which allows the collection of bonus points when buying fuel through the application, in the same way as when paying at the cash register.


Milentija Popovića 1
11070 Beograd