Joint announcement of the Ministry of interior and the company NIS

June 12, 2017

NIS Company has provided 2,000,000 Serbian dinars of award for the person who submits correct information related to this murder that happened in the night between 25th and 26th May, and all the citizens who may assist in resolving of this case should call on the telephone number: 064/8888811. Company NIS expresses its deep regret for the tragic death of Kristina Kaplanovic, employee at the petrol station “Veliki Mokri Lug” who fell as a victim of consequences of wounding during the armed robbery of this petrol station, which occurred in the night between 25th and 26th May. Employees of NIS Company commiserate with the family of the deceased colleague and express their deepest condolences. The Company offers all necessary assistance and support to the family and it will continue to render all necessary support to the Ministry of Interior with to the end of faster resolving of this case. Read more information about occupational safety in NIS company here.