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Upon purchase of gas oil 0.1, customers obtain discount in the amount of 3 dinars per litre, and this initiative is implemented at 103 NIS Petrol stations throughout Serbia, from Friday at 18:00 to Sunday at 24:00. In addition to the existing discounts, there are extra benefits within the initiative "Agro Weekend" for those who use NIS Agro Card as they receive the total discount of 6 dinars per litre of gas oil 0.1 and 8 dinars per litre of Euro Diesel. When using NIS Agro Card, in addition to discounts on Euro 5 diesel fuels, farmers obtain a discount of 15% on NISOTEC oils and lubricants product range, as well as 20% on selected consumer goods. The promotion will last until 31 July 2016, and you can find more details about the initiative "Agro Weekend", as well as the list of petrol stations offering promotion, at the website www.nispetrol.rs. Information about the initiative may also be obtained by dialling NIS Call Centre 08 0000 8888 free of charge. For the purpose of encouraging agricultural development, NIS has been implementing the programme of support for farmers and farms for three consecutive years. In order to become a NIS Agro Card customer, a natural person, an entrepreneur or a legal entity should have an active status of a registered farm household or farm.