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NIS used the new slim hole technology to find small-diameter gas reservoirs, which should increase gas production and provide strategic reserves of this energy-generating product. This oil and gas exploration method, prepared by NIS Scientific and Technological Centre, was used for the first in this area. Two slim hole wells, confirming company’s expectations, were drilled in Vojvodina (in the vicinity of Melenci by Zrenjanin). The first well consists of two smaller gas reservoirs. The second well consists of three small gas reservoirs, which are currently in the testing phase. Apart from these activities, two wells are currently being drilled in Vojvodina. By the end of 2016, NIS plans to open 25 wells using the slim hole technology. In addition to two current wells, four more locations were defined. Last year, NIS hired Geops Balkan drilling services ltd, owing to their experience and modern equipment for completing the job. NIS Oilfield Services, Hidrosonda Unit, joined the project recently. NIS started the slim hole project – exploration of small-diameter oil and gas wells – within its innovation, research and development concept. The application of this method provided NIS with an easier and much cheaper way to explore small oil and gas reservoirs, common in this area. Besides the economic effect, this method is environmentally-friendly, because the portion of land needed is much smaller and the well produces less drilling mud. Serbia has many small reservoirs in proximity of large oil and gas fields. If the drilling of these wells were done conventionally, it would be much more expensive and simply not feasible. However, small-diameter drilling costs up to three times less, while smaller reservoirs still increase oil and gas reserves. This particular method is used mostly in mining when drilling for hard mineral raw materials. However, in the United States and Canada, it is widely used for drilling oil and gas wells. Additional information: NIS' priority for 2013 is the efficient use of new technologies in all business areas including production, refining and human resources. Innovative approach and application of cutting-edge technologies are required for progress. New technologies should provide NIS with an increased scope of oil and gas production, refining, sales and distribution. It should also reduce production costs and increase product quality. Due to accelerated technological development, our investment programme for the previous year broke all records - RSD 50.8 billion, the highest amount in several decades. New technologies helped increase the investment programme in 2013 – NIS plans to invest RSD 59 billion in development, which is 16 per cent more than in 2012.