NIS Employs Best Scholarship Holders of Dositeja Young Talents Fund

May 27, 2013

Earlier today, NIS j.s.c. hosted Career Days for the scholarship holders of the Dositeja Young Talents Fund which is in the competence of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. After completing tests in the English language and logic, the scholarship holders with the best results won a membership in the NIS Chance 2013 Programme and will be offered the opportunity to enter into employment with the Company for the period of one year starting this July. After the expiry of one year period, many of them will sign a long-term employment contract with NIS j.s.c. The precondition to participate in Career Days was to be unemployed and registered with the National Employment Service, as well as to have received an undergraduate or a graduate degree. Today's event is the beginning of implementation of the Protocol on Cooperation signed early in February by NIS j.s.c. and the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The aim of this Protocol is to support the talented pupils and students awarded scholarship by the Government's Young Talents Fund. The Company will provide the students who received scholarships and who are awarded by the Dositeja Young Talents Fund an opportunity to attend corporate internship programme and vocational trainings, and employ the Fund graduates as per corporate needs and possibilities. In this manner, NIS j.s.c. strives to encourage pupils and students to acquire knowledge in sciences given the fact that the Company is in a need of such personnel. Additional information: The Protocol on Cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports and Career Days are all part of the NIS j.s.c.'s Energy of Knowledge Project, which includes various forms of cooperation between NIS j.s.c. and scientific institutions and universities. This year, NIS j.s.c. will hire 300 young persons with a secondary school or university degree through the NIS Chance 2013 Project. In 2010 and 2011, NIS j.s.c. implemented the youth employment programme termed First Chance, whereas last year's and this year's programmes are termed NIS Chance. So far, 400 young persons in total have had a chance to work and develop their professional knowledge through the two programmes.