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Winners of the Knowledge Olympiads in Russian, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics The winners were declared in the presence of Serbia’s president-elect, Aleksandar Vučić, the prime minister of Serbia. The ceremony was also attended by Miloš Blagojević, advisor to Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, representatives of Russian scientific and cultural Centre «Russian House» and Russian Centre «Russian World», a foundation functioning within the Secondary School «Jovan Jovanović Zmaj» in Novi Sad, representatives of Lobachevsky University in Russia’s Nizhny Novgorod, Philological faculty of the University in Belgrade and Philosophy faculty of the University of Novi Sad, representatives of Serbia’s Physicists Association and Mathematicians Association, Serbia’s Chemical Association and Serbia’s Slavonic Studies association, as well as the representatives of the NIS Company. The winners were declared in the presence of Serbia’s president-elect, Aleksandar Vučić, the prime minister of Serbia. Winners of the Knowledge Olympiads will represent Serbia in international competitions around the world. «We take exceptional pride in the success our participants accomplish in international competitions, collecting a raft of medals and awards. Within our “Energy of Knowledge” Programme we have so far, supported 28 Knowledge Olympiads in sciences, we have set up bilingual Serbian-Russian classrooms in two high schools, one in the town of Aleksinac and «Jovan Jovanоvić Zmaj» high school in Novi Sad, as well as in the «Jovan Popović» primary school in Novi Sad. In the coming period we intend to continue supporting the young and invest into education» the Chief Operations Officer Andrey Šibanov, deputy CEO of NIS pointed out. Miloš Blagojević, advisor to Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, pointed out that NIS represents a positive example among businesses, as it continuously invests into science and education and highlighted the significance of the mutual cooperation. «I hereby urge the company to continue its investments and keep being our good partner as ever within its “Energy of Knowledge” Programme», Blagojević said. Serbia’s Olympic team to compete at the International Physics Olympiad taking place in Indonesia in summer consists of: Marko Šušnjar, Dušan Đorđević, Ognjen Tošić and Vuk Obradović of Mathematics high school in Belgrade, as well as Novak Stanojević of «Svetozar Marković» high school in the town of Niš. At the International Mathematics Olympiad, to take place in Brazil in July, Serbia’s team will be represented by Nikola Pavlović, Aleksa Milojević, Pavle Martinović, Igor Medvedev, Јelena Ivancić, Marko Medvedev and Ognjen Tošić. At the International Chemistry Olympiad, to take place in Thailand in July our country will be represented by Andrej Kukuruza, Damjan Čubraković, Anamarija Nikoletić, Andrej Kovačеvić and Igor Topalović. The Russian Language Olympiad was taking place in six categories. This year, for the first time this competition was attended, in addition to the students from Serbia, those from Monte Negro and the Republic of Srpska. The first and third year students of the faculties in these countries have also taken part, as well as high school students from Bulgaria. The competition’s absolute winners are Jana Jelić of «Žvko Ljuić» Primary School in the town of Nova Varoš, Danila Danilović of «Ivan Goran Kovačić» Primary School from Belgrade and Јelena Lopušina of «Risto Ratković» Primary School in the Montenegrin town of Bijelo Polje. The competitors were awarded golden, silver and bronze «Energy of Knowledge» statuettes. Andrej Shibanov, Deputy CEO and Director of Function for Organizational Affairs with competitors who were awarded golden, silver and bronze «Energy of Knowledge» statuettes The NIS Company within its “Energy of Knowledge” Programme dedicates a great attention to making investments into the young and is committed to cooperation with educational institutions, universities, faculties, schools and professional scientific associations. In 2016, NIS became Serbia’s first company, whose contribution to streamlining the quality of education was credited with the Saint Sava Award, bestowed by the Republican ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.