Business News

Double savings on nis petrol and gazprom petrol stations


Until the end of February,  „Sa nama na putu“ loyalty programme offers incredible savings opportunities for drivers! In particular, all customers using “Sa nama na putu” loyalty card or mobile application will be able to collect double bonus points at  NIS Petrol or Gazprom petrol stations in Serbia. It means that, until 28 February, on purchasing any type and volume of fuel, bonus points will be doubled, enabling savings up to RSD 12 per litre of premium fuel or RSD 6 per litre of standard fuel – for “Platinum” loyalty card users.

“Sa nama na putu” loyalty program is number one loyalty program for drivers in Serbia, offering the possibility to collect and redeem bonus points on every purchase of fuels and products from our broad portfolio, at more than 300 NIS Petrol and Gazprom petrol stations throughout Serbia. In addition to the card, the customers can use the digital version of “Sa nama na putu”, available as a mobile application under the same name, which, in addition to bonus points collection and redemption, offers additional functionalities, such as user-friendly tracking of transactions and bonus points, interactive map showing the location and working hours of petrol stations, and additional services offered at petrol stations. „Sa nama na putu“  mobile application is available at the following link.

Take this excellent opportunity and make savings with “Sa nama na putu” loyalty program, because every savings are great, and double savings are even greater! Visit any NIS Petrol or Gazprom petrol station, fill up and double save!


Milentija Popovića 1
11070 Beograd