Our Future is Green

NIS ljudi ispred zida sa biljkama - održivi razvoj
Sustainable Development Goals

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call for action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity

Common Cause Community

We launched the Common Cause Community programme seeking to make a contribution to the development of local communities in which we operate. Since 2009, we have been building partnerships and friendships with cities and municipalities across Serbia.

Philanthropy and Volunteerism

In accordance with its title of one of the most responsible domestic companies, NIS pays great attention to philanthropic activities and the development of volunteerism among employees.

Sponsorships and Donations

NIS is open for any cooperation that is in line with the Company’s criteria and values.

Energy of Knowledge

We invest in the future and education of new staff members through scholarships for best students in Serbia and abroad and continuous cooperation with educational institutions and scientific associations.


Health and safety concerns, as well as the commitment to environmental protection, represent priorities at NIS.

Sustainable development is not only the strategic orientation of NIS, but also a fundamental practice that we are constantly refining in order to improve the quality of life of the community in which we operate, develop human and preserve natural resources.


Student internship at NIS

We provide students with the opportunity to gain their first hands-on experiences through the “NIS Calling” seasonal internship programme.

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Business and Projects


For NIS, implementation of innovations represents one of the basic requirements for progress and development.

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